Sweden Congress Recap

The Congress theme was Working Together in Times of Crisis and emphasized the difficult realities, new challenges that children face, and the innovative solutions our global community is employing in research and practice. The increasing violence, armed conflicts, the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change along with stress and cultural practices all threaten mental health and wellbeing. Child protection professionals and front-line workers are challenged more than ever to work with fewer resources to support children and families to become resilient beneficiaries of systems of protection. Crises and challenges, when shared in a community of learning, present good opportunities for growth. 
This Congress brought together multi-disciplinary experts to learn, share and network with child protection experts from across the world. We hosted over 900 delegates from 73 countries representing over 40 disciplines.   
Our 4 day event had inspiring keynoters, 10 parallel sessions featuring 517 presentations, 250 amazing posters, 2 master classes per day, a welcome reception to network, a cultural experience and a free preconference day with 5 working groups on child maltreatment data collection, child death review, mental health, collaborative practice (Barnahus) and parenting.  

Barnafrid is a national knowledge centre with the mission to collect and disseminate knowledge about violence and other forms of abuse against children. It is a government assignment that was awarded to Linköping University in 2015 and belongs to the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences (BKV) at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Campus US, in Linköping. Barnafrid is aimed at professionals who, in their work, meet children and young people who have been subjected to violence and other abuse, but also at professionals at, for example, government agencies. The goal of the knowledge centre is to contribute to improved preventive work and to develop effective interventions to protect and support children who have been subjected to violence and other abuse

5 Keynoters

3 Full Days of Program

6 Master Classes

Inspiring Keynoters

HM Queen Silvia_Photo

Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden

Photo by: Yanan Li, the Royal Court of Sweden

Professor Philip D. Jaffé

University of Geneva

Ms. Aili Keskitalo

Political Adviser for Amnesty International Norway
Photo McCrory

Professor Eamon McCrory

Professor of Developmental Neuroscience and Psychopathology at UCL
shanaaz mathews (5)

Professor Shanaaz Mathews

Research Director, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Cape Town

Ms. Lorna Stabler

Research Fellow at CASCADE, Cardiff University

Minna Ljunggren

State Secretary to the Minister for Social Services Camilla Gronvall
From The Swedish Royal Court – The Queen’s opening speech at ISPCAN Congress

Impactful Pre-Congress Working Groups

Child Death Review

Case study presentations to examine systems responding to unexplained child death investigations.
Led by: Fujiko Yamada & Vince Palusci & Joanna Garstang & Godfried van Agthoven

Parenting and Scale Up

A reflection on taking parenting programs to scale in times of crisis: Tools, methods and lessons
Led by: Genevieve H Ronnie, Saara Thakur & Anton Dahlberg

Child Maltreatment Data Collection

Data collection, assessments, referrals, country level reviews, child participation, & artificial intelligence
Led by: Franziska Meinck & Andreas Jud & Gertrud Hafstad

Trauma Informed Care/Mental Health

Translation or Interpretation? Applying Trauma Informed Mental Health Principles Across Disciplines
Led by: Brooks Keeshin & Jessica Griffin & Poa Samuelberg

Multidisciplinary Collaborative Response

CAC's, Barnahus, and programs that work for preventing and responding to child abuse and neglect across sectors with a child centered focus.
Led by: Abbie Newman & Anna Nelsson & Olivia Haldorsson

Thought Provoking Youth Forum Presentation

Led by Natalie Natalie Söderlind

Watch how Swedish children and youth want to be involved in the CPS system of care

"We want to extend our gratitude to you and your incredible team for coordinating such a transformative conference. We can only imagine the profound themes that have emerged from this event. And, in reflecting on themes, one that surfaced for us was Community. There was a true experience, a palatable feeling of community, within the group we presented to. There were people engaging in authentic exploration of trauma and it is through the opportunity to explore and connect that genuine transformative action will evolve. Your organization, in our view, is a vanguard of creating meaningful societal, global transformation."

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SWEDEN 2024 Congress Presentations

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