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ISPCAN Sponsored Listings

All Sponsored listings are paid for by their respective organizations. Please keep the following in mind while reviewing the listings. 

  • All listings are reviewed by ISPCAN to ensure they contain content for a program or organization within the scope of the ISPCAN mission.
  • ISPCAN does NOT verify or guarantee the accuracy or quality of the programs or organizations listed below.
  • These sponsored listings help support ISPCAN further its mission.

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All ads will display for 12 months:

  • Half Size listings will display up to 500 characters of text.
  • Quarter size listings will display up to 300 characters of text.
  • Micro Size listings will display up to 300 characters of text for FREE services

You will receive an email requesting more information once you place an order.

 Only ISPCAN members can purchase sponsored listings.

Purchase Your Own Sponsored Listing for products and services you would like to sell.

Book: Vulnerable Minds- The Harm of Childhood Trauma and the Hope of Resilience
mh 2
Marc Hauser, PhD

How do we intervene to offer these children a more hopeful future? Neurobiologist & educator Dr. Marc Hauser provides a novel, research-based framework to understand a child’s unique response to ACEs centered around five adverse Ts: type, timing, tenure, turbulence, and toxicity. These dimensions help shape a child's traumatic response and aid in developing strategies to build resilience.

Half Size Sponsored Listing

This is an example of a half-size sponsored listing. The half-size sponsored listing allows up to 300 characters of text to be added to the listing.

SAS Software
SAS logo
SAS Software

At SAS we would like to help police forces make more effective use of limited resources through digital tools that can relieve manual police workload pressures.

GeoGuard Software
geocomply logo

We fight online child sexual exploitation by supporting law enforcement investigations through free anonymizer detection, geolocation and historical risk analysis.

Quarter Size Sponsored Listing

This is an example of a quarter-size sponsored listing. The quarter-size sponsored listing allows up to 200 characters of text to be added to the listing.

Book: Re-Visioning Public Health Approaches for Protecting Children
springer logo
Bob Lonne, Deb Scott, Daryl Higgins, Todd I. Herrenkohl

Features emerging systemic, policy and practice theory, and critical analysis of public health CPS

Micro Size Sponsored Listing

The micro-size sponsored listing allows up to 100 characters.